The Best Supplements For Runners
Each exercise is different and each exercise may require different supplementation needs. In the discussion about best supplements for runners, we're going to highlight some key products suited for running.
What is it?
Electrolytes are chemical ions that are essential in the body for regular functioning. This includes contracting muscles, keeping hydrated and regulating the body's pH levels. Electrolytes include the chemicals:
- Sodium
- Potassium
- Magnesium
- Calcium
- Chloride
- Phosphate
- and Bicarbonate
Why Should I Take it?
When we sweat electrolytes are lost through sweat - making an electrolyte imbalance a common occurance amongst runners. A imbalance of electrolytes can lead to symptoms of fatigue, confusion, muscle weakness and cramps and headaches. When training hard or running long distances, electrolyte supplements are a great way to prevent lactic acid build up, stay hydrated and increase endurance.
We Recommend:
Rehydration Low Carb Fuel by ENDURA click here to see more.
What is it?
Amino acids are known as the building blocks of protein. BCAAs are a specific class of amino acids and stands for branched chain amino acids. BCAAs are essential for the body to function and this means they need to be consumed through the diet. The three bcaas are Leucine, Iso-leucine and valine. Leucine is one of the most important amino acids for muscle recovery.
Why Should I Take it?
BCAAs are a great supplement for runners both before and after training. This is because they can act as a source of fuel for the muscle and prevents muscle breakdown during training when glycogen stores are running low. After training they are important for recovery and stimulating muscle repair.
We Recommend:
Amino Switch by Switch Nutrition Click Here to see more.
Dragon Fuel by Red Dragon Nutritionals Click Here to see more
Protein Powders
What is it?
Protein is the building blocks of muscle. Protein powders are a common supplement that is taken to increase protein in the diet and increase muscle recovery/synthesis.
Why Should I Take it?
Protein for runners is very important for the post run recovery process. In order to train faster for longer – the body and muscles need to efficiently recover. This means getting the best nutrition and a combination of nutrients, protein and carbs. When finishing a run, it can be hard to eat a balanced meal or get enough protein in the day to maximise your recovery. A protein powder is a good supplement to buy because its super quick and easy to consume and can boost your protein intake by around 25g per scoop. What's more, most blends have added ingredients to support performances and general wellbeing incluidng amino acids, vitamins and minerals.
We Recommend:
R1 Protein by Rule 1 Click here to view more
100% NOWAY HCP Protein by ATP Science
What is it?
Magnesium is an essential nutrient in the body that is needed for the body and muscles to function properly. Magnesium mainly exists in muscles and bones whereby a deficiency can have a negative impact on overall health and running performance.
Why Should I Take it?
A lack of magnesium can have several implications on the body. For runners and active people, it can reduce and decreased aerobic capacity and overall fitness performance. What's more, deficiencies can lead to fatigue, exhaustion, low bone mineral density, depression, insomnia and more. For runners it suggested to consume around 800mg of magnesium a day. A good supplement can ensure an adequate bioavailable dose to support your running goals.
We Recommend:
Magnesium Advance by Fusion Health Click here to find out more
Omega 3
What is it?
Omega 3 consists of three fatty acids that are essential for the body and need to be consumed through the diet. The three fatty acids are ALA, DHA and EPA. These healthy fatty acids can be found in foods like oily fish, nuts and seeds.
Why Should I Take it?
Omega 3 is a good supplement for general health and cardiovascular health that can reduce high blood pressure and lower cholesterol. For runner’s omega 3 is beneficial for joint health and is also taken to reduce inflammation and promote recovery. Although omega 3 is found in oily fish and nuts it can be hard to get the recommended amounts through diet alone. This makes a supplement key to your running regime.
We Recommend:
Vegan Aurum Oil by ATP Science Click Here to see more.
L Glutamine
What is it?
L glutamine is a semi essential amino acid. This means the body can produce it in small amounts, but it may still be important to consume required amounts through the diet.
Why Should I Take it?
Glutamine is an important supplement for endurance athletes and runners. Benefits include recovery, immune system support and digestive support. Low glutamine levels could be a reason runners can get sick during intense training. By supplementing with glutamine the muscles can recover effectively between workouts.
We Recommend:
L Glutamine by ATP Science Click Here to see more.
Acetyl l Carnitine
What is it?
Acetyl L-carnitine is a non-essential amino acid which can be used in the body to help create energy. It's often taken as a supplement to help utilise fat and use fat stores as energy.
Why Should I Take it?
Acetyl-L-carnitine is a popular supplement for those looking to lose weight but is also great for endurance runners. Because this supplement plays a key role in energy production and oxygen capacity, it can help increase performance pre training and can also aid muscle recovery.
We Recommend:
Acetyl L carnitine by ATP Science Click Here to see more.
What is it?
Calcium is important for bone health and muscle functioning making it an essential and key nutrient in the body.
Why Should I Take it?
Running is known as a high impact sport - meaning it can take its toll on energy levels, your bones and joints. Bone health for runners is very important to avoid stress fractures and serious injury. Therefore, it is essential to get enough calcium to prevent bones loss and a negative state of calcium in the body. Vitamin D is essential for me
We Recommend:
Calcium Advanced by Fusion Health Click Here to see more.
Multi Vitamin
What is it?
A multivitamin is a great all in one supplement that can help provide some of the vitamins and minerals that may be lacking in your diet. Generally, multivitamins contain the water soluble vitamins vitamin B and C and fat-soluble vitamins A, E D and K. They generally contain minerals such as magnesium, zinc and iron. Most low cost supermarket multivitamins are high in vitamins B and C and lower in minerals and fat-soluble vitamins.
Why Should I Take it?
Exercise and running can take its toll on the body and increases the amount of nutrients we need to consume in the diet. By consuming a multivitamin you can try and make sure the majority of your demands are met. A good multivitamin may also contain digestive enzymes too which can help support digestion and nutrient absorption.
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