If you’re looking for an advantage to help you build towards your muscle growth goals, don’t ignore the benefit of amino acid supplements, more specifically, EAA supplements. At FIT Nutrition, we offer a comprehensive range of the best BCAA supplements and EAA supplements to support your goals.


When it comes to essential amino acids, a few brands stand out above the rest. Evolve, EHP Labs and Optimum Nutrition are all responsible for some of the most effective amino acid supplements on the market. Among the best essential amino acid supplements, you will find Muscle Tech Platinum EAA+, which delivers a blend of EAAs and electrolytes to support hydration, performance, and muscle protein synthesis. Red Dragon Fuel EAA delivers a matrix of EAAs, BCAAs, and electrolytes to aid your muscle growth and repair goals. 

As a leading supplement retailer online and in Bondi, Australia, FIT Nutrition can help you find what you need. If you want more help finding the best EAA health supplements in Australia to support your muscle growth and repair goals, the team at FIT Nutrition can help. Just head in-store or chat with us online to get started.

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What are essential amino acids supplements?

Amino acids are compounds that are primarily built of nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. Your body needs 20 different amino acids to function, with only 9 considered to be essential. These EAAs are mostly found in animal proteins like meat, eggs, and poultry (Kubala, J. 2022).

What are the ingredients in essential amino acids supplements?

EAA supplements will typically contain all 9 essential amino acids. These include histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, valine, and tryptophan. They will also often contain electrolyte complexes or select BCAAs.

How do essential amino acids work?

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. Your body cannot synthesise every amino acid, and the 9 that cannot be synthesised are called essential amino acids. When you consume enough of each EAA, a protein is said to be complete. Among these EAAs, branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are crucial for muscles (Patel, K. 2022).

What are the benefits of essential amino acids supplements?

Essential amino acids perform a range of vital functions, from protein synthesis to tissue repair to nutrient absorption. They can help to protect you from muscle loss while supporting recovery, mood, sleep, and athletic performance (Kubala, J. 2022).

What are the side effects of essential amino acids supplements?

You should experience no adverse side effects when consuming EAAs, as long as you are consuming the recommended daily amount in line with the nutritional panel on the product packaging. If you experience any negative side effects, discontinue use and consult a GP.

Who should take essential amino acids supplements?

If you’re looking to increase your intake of EAAs, then supplementing could be effective. You may also find them useful if you’re bodybuilding and want assistance retaining muscle while promoting an enhanced recovery, nutrient absorption and energy. Further, if you’re on a plant-based or vegan diet, you may also find that you’re not getting enough amino acids into your system, EAA supplementation may provide an extra boost for your body.

Who should not take essential amino acids supplements?

If you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, then you should consult a GP before consumption. Additionally, these supplements may not be suitable for the elderly or children and may have effects when combined with different prescription medications. Consult a GP if you have any concerns.

What is the recommended dosage of essential amino acids supplements?

The recommended daily dosage of essential amino acids will be printed on the back of the product label. You will generally find that they range from 10-15g per 1 scoop.

A more accurate breakdown of your EAA requirements suggests that you consume 14mg Histidine, 19mg Isoleucine, 42mg Leucine, 38mg Lysine, 19mg Methionine, 33mg Phenylalanine, 20mg Threonine, 5mg Tryptophan, 24mg Valine - per 1kg of body weight (Cleveland Clinic. 2021).

How often should I take essential amino acids supplements?

Essential amino acids are safe to consume every day as long as they are not consumed in large amounts and in line with the nutritional label on the product. It seems that the maximum daily dosage is far beyond what people consume, even with supplements, so you shouldn’t experience any issues consuming daily EAAs. These supplements are most effective when consumed on training days (Amino Vital. 2020).

What are the best essential amino acids supplements?

For the best EAAs, you can’t go wrong with RCN’s Amino Corps. This full spectrum EAA formula offers a dose of clinically-substantiated Amino9®EAAs and additional InstAminos® BCAAs to support your training. It also offers electrolytes and minerals, supports cortisol control, and promotes enhanced absorption.

Damage Control by Evolve is another effective EAA protein accelerator that offers rapid delivery, supports quicker recovery, and contains 99% pure Ajinomoto Aminos that are backed by extensive scientific research.